
Found: Inexplicable German Money
2001-11-11 - 10:04 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

There is a bag of German money that has been sitting on my table for a few weeks.

Its not a big bag of money.  Zip-lock sandwich style, and not the short shrift ghetto bags, either.

German coins with an eagle on them.  Real nazi looking.

And the subject finally came up today, after Brixton decided it belonged to him, and started to eat it.

(Now the bag is torn, and the dog might be worth something to David Hasselhoff fans. You run out of cash, and you can always split open the dog.  There's  money inside.  Not a whole lot, but still...

"C'mere boy!  Need a can of soup, boy!  C'mere!")

Everyone thought it belonged to someone else.  No one in this house has anything to do with it.

(side thought:  What if I'm now implicated in some counter-terrorist net for receiving suspicious small payments of german money?

With my rights suspended by the 'patriot bill', there's a moron who signed off his rights without thinking twice about it...they'd have a good time with that.   half a year in the clink before they even try to get to you.

The DA comes in, fluttering about the FBI, the special agent narrows his brow, and talks in a snide, pompous voice.

"Ahhh...Mr. Argentum.  Been enjoying our fine selection of gang violence, and what were the cash payments from the German group for??"

So, I guess I should start looking for a Nazi who has been in my house in the past three weeks, and has recently left a sandwich baggie of german coins on my table. (about which all we know is nothing)


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