
Free to be Ridiculous
3-15-2002 - 12:00 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I feel like a lover been gone, sheepishly glancing into your eyes, hoping for a meagar sum of acceptance.

Getting better. 

Trying to hash it all out.  Failing.

I spent the better part of the week trying to clear my head, or rather, bring it all together and divine the future.  For me this involves a lot of quiet contemplation, smoking blinding amounts of pot, quoting obscure lines from movies,

[cut to Fredo lying on a couch, confessing his betrayal to Mich ael in the Godfather]

"I'm smaht!"

[end cut]

and generally letting it all go unchecked.  Sans filter, if you will.

I didn't plan on this.  I didn't.  I'm just trying to cope.  And survive, I guess.

And now, after going to the brink a month and a half ago, here I am. 

I evaluated my life, and felt good about it.  I faced it all down, and have yet another chance.

I feel free to be silly.   I feel free to be ridiculous.

I have options.  I have reality.  I have hopes and dreams that are all dust.

I have a heart full of melancholy and eyes full of love.

Things are still unresolved. 

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