
Fuck it, two tears in a bucket
2001-08-10 - 9:14 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Yeah, I was ducked again.

Which is interesting, because she told the other big wigs that she was going to meet with me today.

Fuck it.  I'm caring about this waaay too much.   And not getting a damn thing from it.

Which means I will now start to care less and less.  Law of diminishing returns.

I'll schedule a meeting two weeks from now.  See how that goes over.

Breathing room. 

I'd go for a month hence, but I think that might be perceived as the asshole move.

So fuck it.  Watching fight club.  "When you lose everything, then you are free to do whatever it is you want to do."

Sounds appropo.  Besides, I'm simply more comfortable not giving a fuck.  Bad attitude, as some of my teachers might have said.

Not around me, of course.  Not sure why.  Don't really care.

On the other side of things, I have to go and pick up my parents from the airport in fifteen minutes.

They're in town for the next eight days.

Fun, fun, fun.  Gotta' run.



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