
Big Black Lurking Son-Of-A-Bitch
2001-10-13 - 3:44 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Still hiding.

Roomates and friends didn't even make it out last night.  Nothing like staying in one room all night with a bunch of guys centered around a dusty CD case.

Glad I missed it.

My dog-on-loan ate my fucking dougnuts yesterday morning.

I woke up chipper.  "Allright," I thought, "Glass of milk and some dougnuts."

Got up and searched around the kitchen.  Nothing.  Nothing but a sulky black lab spilling his guilt out of his pores with a cowering shame faced expression.  I saw it, and I knew what was up.

He ate all of them, and the styrofoam with which they were packaged.

In the past week or so, he's also taken two loaves of bread from the counter.  Eaten them, and one of the packages in which they came.

He destroyed the hot-tub skimmer.

Destroyed a rose bush.  Ate most of it.

Found a big peice of molding, ripped from somewhere, and tried hard to eat it.

He also found this object, which I have yet to identify, and has been working feverishly on eating that, as well. 

Am I not feeding him enough?

He knows how to open doors.

He lets in his girlfriend through the front door.  Not her owner, just his girlfriend, and they race to the backyard to play.

He opens the door and lets himself out to go pee.

He has his own couch to sleep on, yet tries to encroach on the good leather sofa, despite all our protests.

I'm just sharing space with this big black lurking son-of-a-bitch.

Its time he got a job and started paying rent.

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