
Anti-Drug Ads
2003-01-15 - 12:49 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Am I the only one who thinks these new anti-drug ads in the U.S. are a total hoot?

Holy shit they make me laugh, and, in the words (worlds?) of the dearly departed Bill Hicks, they..."not only insult my intelligence, but thanks to the use of psychadelic drugs, I see through (them)"

They need me to spearhead their campaign, but I just won't turn on my people like that.

But here are my thoughts:

[pan in from left on bloodshot eyes, sound of much talking coming from inside the house, cut to flash of rising sun, jangling shot of people in the living room, drinks in hand, a chalky mirror laying in front of them, wearing party clothes, still obviously up from the night before]

[cut to shot of alarm clock clicking from six fifty nine to seven o'clock and ringing]


Its seven o'clock  monday morning, and the people you started doing blow with on friday still haven't left.

[cut to frustrated and tired man slouching to the bathroom to shower]

Don't Do Drugs.


Or this.


[jiggling shot, frame shaking, never settling, sounds of much talking and heavy snorting heard in the back ground.  Camera settles to floor level eventually to reveal a bloody kleenex, severely bloody, bloodied in many, many spots, evidence of someone who did a lot of blow and got a nosebleed that wouldn't stop.]


Don't Do Drugs.



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