
Lake Superior
2012-09-21 - 12:14 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

So, yeah, owning a motorcycle and driving around listening to your tunes on your phone is *exactly* as much fun as I thought it would be.

Just this feeling of elation. Of...freedom. Like having the world by the tail and an absence of obligation other than keeping the bike going.

Riding in the sunshine, finding your destination, no matter how mundane.

I took a trip, a long trip, that was the thrust of buying my bike.

It was everything I thought it would be and more. I worked all summer to get the bike ready, and like a tank, it rolled on through. I sat by waterfalls, listened to the surf of Lake Superior in the dark by the light of the blue moon.

All by myself, still...never feeling alone.

I literally sat on a breakwall in a strange little town on the shore of Lake Superior around midnight. Didn't feel alone.

Superior is an interesting and awe-inspiring body of water. You can literally feel its cold, brutal power next to you. Remorseless, vindictive. Domineering. Lake Superior can easily kill you if she wants to, and, as legend says, she never gives up her dead.

Ask the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Generally you don't swim in Superior. you get in, then you get out. Hypothermia is definitely an issue, even in August, should you swim to long.

And after a cold snap, which happens on her shores, even if the day you are there is warm, only the water in slate shoals is reasonably safe. Hypothermia can claim you fast.

Oddly, because of the weather, people were swimming--of a sort. They would get in, swim a bit, then get out. Nobody ventured too deep, but staying in for a few minutes at a time was possible without undue suffering.

Majestic Superior. Pristine.

I think we all respected her too much to push our luck.

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