
Random thoughts
2008-10-27 - 11:00 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Random Thoughts (sans formatting edition):

What if, instead of spending ungodly sums of money on missles and bombs that may not always hit or be of consequence, the US military dropped food.

All food. Imagine how much food 500 billion would buy. You could actually bury entire cities in food. Easily. Probably more cheaply than trying to blow it up.

And people could eat. Farmers could be subsidized.

Drop boxes of food.

I know it sounds insane, but really, is it? Is it so crazy?

Or is the dominant paradigm so out of whack with all that is merciful and benevolently human?

The way things are it obscures our perspective, our view of how things *could* be. How things could be better.

Instead of seeing the possibilities in life, society, existance, we become ingrained to think in terms of mores and utilize schemas that fit the dominant paradigm of what life is "supposed" to be like.

We lose sight of what it can be.

We lose our moral compass, which should point true north no matter which way the wind blows.

Okay, I forgot the rest of my random thoughts.

So I'll leave you with this: never lose sight of what people *can* be, even when confronted with what the are. Never lose sight of what you *can* be, strive for it, in spite of what you are.

Cruelty survives by the dictates of people with no soul, and we have no reason to be cruel to each other.

Be kind, and dream of a better world, a better way to be.

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