
My Heart Is Full
2007-11-02 - 1:39 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

My heart is so full right now.

I just want to get to a place where I can explain it all to you.  So you know.

So, maybe you understand.

And maybe by understanding what I'm saying, and what I've gone through, maybe you'll understand me.

Or, more likely, you'll understand a part of me.   I like to think I'm simple, but maybe I'm more complicated than I give myself credit for.

(And I kind-of despise ending a sentence with a preposition, but sometimes its unavoidable.  You've gotta' capture your fucking voice.  Just hope and pray your voice isn't fucking annoying, like a twenty-five year old girl from the Valley.   If it is, write fiction.  Otherwise, cut out all the 'like's', and 'you knows' and 'sorta's' and 'w/e's' unless you're intent on annoying the fuck out of your audience or any casual passers by with half a brain.  Put another way:  just because you're a princess and think you're cute, doesn't mean that translates into good writing.  NOTE:  I'm not speaking of anyone who would likely ever read far as I know.  Stranger shit has happened to me, and I swear to FUCK if I got abducted by aliens or had a spontaneous out-of-body experience, it wouldn't surprise me.

Fuck no.  I'd be fucking RELIEVED.  All the fucking douche-bag teachers, coaches, bosses, and malevolent wanna-be mentors that tried to mold me into a useful cog, make me bow, scrape and serve the ruling class, all the fucking BULLSHIT they tried to fill my head with, all the ABJECT DENIAL OF MY CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS, [ed. note accidental caps] would be INVALIDATED, and I would revel in the absolute PROOF that they were THEN, NOW and IN THE FUTURE ALWAYS WILL BE full of SHIT.

So, yank me aliens.   Visit me spirits of the beyond.  Come meteor from the skies, wipe us out.  Nuclear holocaust us all.  Its all a waste of effort and its all a fucking pile of bullshit and bore.

Paris Hilton is revered as a modern-day deity, but, of the general public, I would venture no one would know the name of the scientist who privately funded and guided the project to sequence the human genome.  Even less would know the two scientists who discovered the structure of DNA.  Far fewer could name 3 philosophers of existentialist thought.  Fewer still know string theory, or the philosophical implications of quantum physics and the theory of infinite universes based on quantum probability.

Do you realize what that means?  How fucking LARGE that is?

It tends to explain why we exist, seemingly alone in an infinitely large and infinitely expanding universe, a universe that is, seemingly coincidentally, absolutely suited perfectly for human life.  Because we ceased to exist in all the other quantum probabilities that led up to this particular one.  

Eventually, on the quantum level, the probabilities panned out.

Which goes back to a theory I had put forth nearly fifteen years ago, when asked by friends if I thought there was alien life 'In an infinite universe, all probabilities approach a 1:1 value'.   Meaning, in an infinite punctual moment, everything is possible.

Everything.  Do you understand?  In some universe, in some way, we live forever.   Humanity exists forever.

In some other probability, there are aliens.  Ghosts.  Just about everything.  Humans.

And there is so much we dont know.  And everything I learn only succeeds in making me feel dumber and dumber, and I realize that there is so, so much I do not understand.

I no longer feel sheepish telling someone I dont understand something they're trying to explain to me.  How the fuck else am I going to understand something in the least possible amount of time?!?   I have so much else I need to understand.  Being sheepish or proud gets me no closer to that goal.  A goal I will never achieve.

A sometimes friend once said to me in college "Argentum, you're a lost cause"

I looked at him and said, "What nobler cause is there?"

I wasn't referring to myself.  If you can make a stand on principle, even making a stand in the midst of quicksand, for a battle you know you will lose, are you not then the most principled of souls?

Also please remember that time, the physical, and distance is only a vehicle to accommodate our minds in this punctual probability.  At night I have soared to places unseen and unwritten about.  Different worlds, different probabilities.

The ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher Chang Tsu wrote:

Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Zhuangzi. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuangzi. But he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi. Between Zhuangzi and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things. (2, tr. Burton Watson 1968:49)

How can you prove what is real and what is a dream?  What is real, but the mind?  Is he a man dreaming he is a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he is a man?  How do you know?  How can you prove it?

In these places Ive gone, there is no distance, other than the distance between hearts.  There is no time, no physical.  Both are transient and fading.  Ultimately insubstantial.  Look at the items around you.  Will they exist in a thousand years?  A million? No.  They will disintegrate and be no more as energy transforms into matter and back again.

But as always my mind, my soul wanders.  I would like to return my energy to existence, lose my ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO.  Lose it all and become one with the Universe, my energy returning to the create and know no want or desire for eternity in a Nirvana of bliss.  I lack the will to meditate enough to bring me this peace, and as such, my mind will roam, and my body will stir against is frail limits.

I'm tired of suffering.  And I see the degradation of all around me.  The degradation of minds and hearts.  The lies that spill forth from the machine assembled by our leadership, those darkly amoral rulers we have that exploit us as they will, never sating their desire for control, wealth and power.  It hurts in ways my flesh does not, as I feel I rant and rail against the bars of my cage, but no one hears me.  No one understands.

It doesn't have to be like this for any of us.  The monkeysphere doesn't have to be 150 people.  

The only way to win is to love.  Compassion.  Communion.

Against that, nothing can stand.  And only our fear holds us back.   It holds us back from self-determination, from happiness, from Nirvana of the heart and mind.  It holds us back from everything we can be as an individual and Society, and this is what they prey upon to keep us apart.  If we loved each other as we love our family, there would be no war.  There would be no famine, crime, or slavery.  There would only be us, and we would find our endless fascination within ourselves and each-other.  There will be plenty to eat, shelter and clothing for all.  They prey on our fear to keep us separate and alone, to keep us at each other's throats, like starved rats that fight each-other for the crumbs, convinced everyone else is out to take them down.

I will love you if you love me.  And I won't curse at you if you drive slowly in front of me, because everyone can be in your monkeysphere if you let them.  If you have the heart and courage.

I love you already and you don't know it.  You may never know it, because you don't understand.  You are blinded, deep within the Cave, and that's the way they like it, mesmerized by their shadow puppets on the wall, shadows of Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton.   )

My heart is full.

I want to explain so much of what has happened and is happening, and will be happening, but I am not in a place to do that right now.

Maybe I am, I don't know.  Regardless if I spill the contents of heart right now, or in a few months, i will.

I will.  And I hope that it will bring me a measure of peace.  Sadly, it will not bring me the peace I seek.  I see that now.  Almost nothing will, not even merciful death.

I need to meditate more, and let peace overtake me.  

Let it happen.

Sometime I will explain everything.

I am ok now.

To quote Kurt Vonnegut:  Word of honor.

 I am ok.

<3 <3 <3

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