
World Sized Mind Fuck
2005-01-23 - 11:34 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

A week or so before the inaguration, the White House leaked a report that said they were scouting sites in Iran for possible airstrikes to forestall their naescent nuclear program to a reporter named Seymour Hersh.

This was a trial balloon. 

Now, with a strikingly militaristic and aggressive inauguration address, the rhetoric surrounding Iran has only ratched up in intensity.  They did the same thing, floating trial balloons across the national conciousness, with Iraq.

This administration manipulates the media suavely, which the media, in their heartless, soulless ambition, aggressively pursue whatever will land them on the front page, the lead story of the night, regardless of the realities or consequences of their actions.  There is no follow up.  No one will grill any relevant public official of the possibility that this is a preview of military action.  There is no responsibility or accountability on either side.

It provides us. the people,  the illusion that someone is looking after our interest in keeping a watchful eye on government, that someone is performing our civic responsibility for us, when this is not happening in the slightest.

The flip side is that the government is already inuring the populace to the thought of invading other Middle East countries using the media. 

The media is complicit. 


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