
2004-12-22 - 12:35 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I have spam sitting in my mailbox.

I delete the obvious spam, but I leave this one alone.

It is from someone named 'assman'.  The subject line reads, 'who cares if it hurts.'

Well, obviously someone cares.  Someone always cares, even if it hurts in a way that some people like.

I dont open it, because that's just foolish.  Somehow, I cant bring myself to delete it.  Not yet, anyway.

Its not that we're kindred souls or anything.  It just...the thought processes behind that amuse me.

Hey, lets send out spam.  What should I call this batch?  I dont know, assman.  We'll title it 'who cares if it hurts'.  That'll get the s and m freaks to open my shit.

Then again, perhaps the world has gone sideways once again, and its actually from a guy named assman.  Ridiculed in highschool for his unfortunate sobriquet, its actually an advertisement for self-confidence boosting audio tapes a'la whatever the fuck his name was.  Or was it Tony?  Who cares...

Thing is, I will never know.  Because there it lurks in my mailbox, and I have zero desire to open it.  I just enjoy it as it is.

Our mutual disappointment sits between us like a child shuffled between parents sharing joint custody.  It wants direct attention now.   I only see it at night when I check that mailbox. The rest of the time it is a figment of zero's and one's on someone's server somewhere.  I really dont care where.

And I'm fine with that.

Someday, assman.


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